Businesses That 17 Year Olds Can Do to Make a Lot of Money

Finding ways to earn extra money or save toward college is part of many teens' experience. Information technology'south a powerful rite of passage on tiptop of helping them understand the value of money and the work that goes into earning it. For most teens, that ways getting a job at the local burger joint, in the mall, or with another local concern. That's a fine style to go well-nigh it, but it's not the only model.

Some other, arguably improve, choice is to encourage your teen to start their own business. They get all the benefits of having a part-time task, plus feel in success skills you don't learn working for somebody else.

Why Teens Should Start a Small Business

Like we said, starting a small concern helps your teen earn some money, and learn some valuable lessons they won't get working a job. Beyond that, it carries some other strong advantages.

  • Not Limited to Minimum Wage. Minimum wage, which most teens commencement at, is depressingly depression. A small business organization doesn't limit their earnings that way.
  • Looks Great on College Applications. College applications will get smoother when they mention, or write entry essays about, the feel of entrepreneurship.
  • It's More Flexible. Your teen won't have to worry about losing their job to go to a camp, volunteer with friends, or take a trip.
  • It Builds Self-Reliance. Being able to fend for themselves is a skill your teen will need more and more than with each year moving forward.
  • It Teaches Startup Mentality. Thinking like a business possessor can prepare young adults for success every bit an entrepreneur or employee.

Pro tip: Make sure you have a checking business relationship open where you lot tin deposit whatever coin that you earn. We've put together a list of the best banking concern accounts for kids.

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7 Great Business Ideas for Teenagers

Hither are a few great ideas for types of businesses that nigh teenagers could kickoff today.

i. Monetizing a Hobby

At this point, your teen is probably passionate about and surprisingly good at something. That might exist a sport, a hobby, or "pwning" a sure video game franchise. Whatever it is, their skill level is sufficient to start charging people for their skills and knowledge in that expanse.

For instance, a teen passionate about a video game could begin livestreaming their play and collecting ad revenue on YouTube. A teen who likes building computers could showtime doing that for your friends and concern assembly. A teen into model trains could start trading in low-cost trains they find at garage sales, then sell high on Ebay and other online marketplaces, while ane who loves to broil might bring muffins to the local farmer'due south marketplace.

For every hobby or interest, there is a model to brand coin, and no reason to wait for total adulthood to brainstorm exploring that model.


  1. Your teen is engaging more deeply in something they love, which can be fulfilling.
  2. It immerses them early in something that could become a real career.
  3. Builds confidence as they realize they know more than about some subjects than adults around them.
  4. Tin be an introduction to e-commerce and other forms of online business.


  1. Making coin from something you love can atomic number 82 to burnout.
  2. Many e-commerce niches take stiff competition, or require a leadup to success that won't become assisting until after your teen turns 20.


  • Replicate success: have your teen wait into who's succeeding in their area, then find ways to exercise what that person is doing.
  • It's tempting to spend more on a hobby than this earns, so counsel and check in on your teen about their expenses.

2. Tutoring and Coaching

Wherever your teen's skill level at their academic subjects or school sports, chances are they're ahead of somebody else. That might include adults getting their GED or younger kids looking for a leg upwardly. Teens tin help people in the community effectually them while helping their fiscal situation by tutoring or coaching.

The rarer the skill your teen has, the more than likely they are to succeed here. They will find more clients and be able to charge more than money for more specialized tutelage. For example, a teen with strong calculus chops or who is fluent in French can accuse more for tutoring than somebody who offers bones coaching on how to elevator weights or gives introductory music lessons.


  1. Further develops their skills. Well-nigh people learn more by didactics than past being taught.
  2. High-paying compared to most items on this list.
  3. Teaches early on the value of maintaining specialized skills and knowledge sets.


  1. Ordinarily harder to find clients than with some other models on this listing.
  2. Inflexible schedule because they take to meet when their clients are available.

Pro Tips

  • Although most accept a minimum age requirement, online tutoring platforms can help your teen discover clients while likewise widening the potential pool.
  • Encourage your budding tutor to enquire for referrals. It'south i of the best ways to gain new clients in personal businesses similar this.

iii. Taking Care of Smaller Creatures

Whether the small creatures are children or animals, taking care of them is a classic method of teen earning. Although most teens suitable for this work already got some feel with it as a tween, information technology's dissimilar now. Teens are old enough to take on more challenging and independent responsibilities, which means they tin can charge more for their services and sell them to a wider range of customers.

For example, they might motility from simple date-night child care to watching kids for an overnighter or a weekend. They might move from pet sitting at domicile to a daily canis familiaris walking service or watching a home with pets while the owners are away for several days.


  1. Builds on skills and contacts your teen has already developed.
  2. Being responsible for another being's safety builds responsibility.
  3. Can exist more flexible, allowing your teen to take or pass on opportunities based on their overall schedule.
  4. If they were involved in housesitting or babysitting as a younger child, they can upgrade to more responsibilities as they get older.


  1. Not all teens are suited for this kind of work, either by temperament or power.
  2. Some adults view this as work for tweens, so a teen may need to overcome that perception, specially when charging premium rates.

Pro Tips

  • You can use the neighborhood website Nextdoor or to detect potential clients.
  • It can assist to get a certification equally a sitter, and in the advisable first aid, to help sell your teen as a reliable professional.
  • Your teen tin look for ways to work for multiple clients simultaneously, for case walking more one dog at one time.

4. General Handyperson and Errand Runner

Doing chores for money is something even preschoolers and kindergarteners can do, but once a teen gets a driver's license or masters the cycle, it opens doors for all kinds of help-for-pay options that were previously closed. Every family and every neighborhood has adults with more money than time, or with concrete limitations that require some assistance.

For the quondam, hiring a local kid to have care of some tasks is a articulate win-win. They clear some of their schedule while helping out someone they know. For the latter, your teen will charge less than an adult banana while as well learning how it feels to aid people in need.


  1. Does not require specialized skills. Even grocery pickup tin make money.
  2. Client opportunities are common in near areas.
  3. Teaches teens creativity and hustle as they find what they can offering to different potential clients with unlike needs.


  1. You will need to vet any adults your teen spends time with alone. Predators are rare, only it's better to exist safe.
  2. Some people notice this kind of work demeaning. Some teens might observe the work boring or unfulfilling, and some clients may feel similar they take permission to be rude or dismissive toward errand runners.

Pro Tips

  • If your teen has specialized skills like carpentry or plumbing, they tin earn more than than if they're just fetching groceries.
  • Help discover ways to multitask — for example, making a grocery run for four clients simultaneously, and so dividing out the purchases before making delivery.

five. Selling Art, Writing, and Crafts

The public view of well-nigh creative endeavors is that being a professional means breaking big. We tin see how Madonna, or Brad Pitt, or Picasso all made money considering they were rich and famous, but if you lot don't really make it, you'll spend your life broke.

Nothing could exist further from the truth. Every creative endeavor has ways to make decent coin without becoming famous.

A teen who writes well tin sell articles to magazines or beginning blogging about a favorite topic. A skilled drawer or painter could sell portraits or help local businesses with graphic blueprint. An athlete might start a podcast about their sport, while a shutterbug could start a photography business. Sites like Bandcamp could have your teen musician earning money off their music in under a week.

The opportunities are out there. It'southward just a affair of helping your teen find theirs.


  1. Your teen gets to engage with their artistic passion.
  2. Can lay the groundwork for a creative career.
  3. Teaches early how to brand a living from creative pursuits without "selling out."


  1. Lots of competition compared to other options on this listing.
  2. Some pursuits may require expensive equipment to get started.

Pro Tips

  • Social media marketing support really helps this small-business model grow. Luckily, your teen is probably well-versed in social media platforms.
  • Resist the temptation to view art as a backup plan. This can exist a real and rewarding career, and one teens can start while nevertheless in school.

half-dozen. The IT Oversupply

Most adults have a relationship with new applied science not unlike somebody trying to learn a new linguistic communication. They can grasp the basics, and even become passably fluent, but information technology will never be natural to them like their native tongue. Teens, by dissimilarity, are like native speakers of the linguistic communication of engineering science.

That means almost every teen tin can make a few dollars by helping the adults effectually them with their engineering science. Almost adults have some device they only sort of know how to use, which teens sympathise intuitively, but which aren't worth paying professional tech support prices to optimize. That's where your teen steps in.

They can aid the neighbor across the street sync their phones with their tablets, set up Grandma's Wi-Fi network, help an uncle turn off unwanted Amazon subscriptions, or troubleshoot the audio system for some friends from church building.


  1. Low barrier to entry, if your teen can communicate well and continue commitments.
  2. Familiarizes teens with tech support as a job, which can atomic number 82 to more lucrative gigs later on.
  3. Teaches the value of skillful customer service and the ability of repeat clients.


  1. There might exist potent competition, depending on how many teens are in the expanse.
  2. Might mean spending time alone with adults yous don't know well. Vet new clients carefully.

Pro Tips

  • Remind your teen that YouTube probably has easy-to-empathise (for them) solutions to many technical bug they're not already familiar with.
  • A holiday flavor set up-up special tin can give your teen a prissy crash-land of income from helping people bargain with new devices they receive as holiday gifts.

vii. Muscle Management

Teens tend to accept some new muscle, boundless free energy, and a seemingly innate desire to apply both. Many of those teens are surrounded by adults who lack at least one of those 3 factors. That leaves an opportunity to put that to piece of work.

Whether they're doing elementary labor like basic backyard care, structure cleanup, or something more than specialized that combines their muscle with skill, yous might both exist surprised how much opportunity at that place is once your teen starts offering.


  1. Keeps your teen decorated and in shape.
  2. Low barrier for entry.
  3. Loftier multifariousness between gigs, making information technology more than interesting.


  1. College chance of injury than for other items on this list.
  2. Tin be highly seasonal, thus limiting income.

Pro Tips

  • This business organization will alive or dice on client referrals. Help your teen develop a system to earn and solicit give-and-take of mouth referrals (Nextdoor is great for this).
  • Beat the seasonal nature of labor piece of work by coming up with offerings for each season in your area.

The Outset Pace

For teenagers, starting a small-scale business should begin much similar doing so every bit an adult. One of the all-time ways to do this is with a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for:

  • Strengths: what your teen brings to this business organisation that they practice well or uniquely
  • Weaknesses: points of weakness in your teen'south skill prepare, life, or habits that could make it the way of success
  • Opportunities: situations in life your teen could turn into strengths with applied attempt
  • Threats: situations in your teen's life that could plow into a weakness unless they take action

For case, imagine a teen wanted to first selling books of verse online instead of working at the local fast food joint. Their strengths might include strong social media skills, being an excellent poet, and having a free flow in school they could devote to work fourth dimension. Their weaknesses might be a lack of business feel and a time-demanding membership on the debate team.

An instance of an opportunity might exist a instructor willing to help them get into magazines and anthologies. It's non a force because that potential hasn't happened yet, but will go one once the teacher and the teen follow through. A threat might exist the beginning of debate season, which volition double the fourth dimension required. They might demand to do some footing piece of work early, such equally writing a excess of poems for submission and sale, before the flavour starts.

The practise of walking through this assay helps your teen think securely near how they'll make money from their entrepreneurial venture, and to plan for success.

Last Word

One last of import consideration for teens starting a small business is how this will interact with college plans. Every family is unlike in this area. For example:

  • A college-leap senior who wants to major in literature might non exist suited for a small business at all.
  • A junior who wants to enter business schoolhouse could start a business organisation to make some tuition coin and give them a leg upwardly in admissions.
  • A teen aiming toward the trades could outset a small business doing basic handyperson work, which they tin can turn into a full-time business as they gain skills and go to trade schoolhouse.
  • A teen not interested in college might showtime a small business with the goal from the starting time making enough coin to not need higher education.

Whatever the college goals for your teen are, it pays to consider how a small business interacts with them. This includes planning with young entrepreneurs from the start, and too a program for what to exercise with the business if your teen leaves town for school.


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